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Abraham Lincoln’s War Of Emancipation Against Depression

Abraham Lincoln’s War Of Emancipation Against Depression.It is said that the true measure of a man is not seen in moments of victory, but in moments of great challenge. Hero, in the true sense of the word, is not about performing amazing feats because of his strength, power, and authority. Heroism is best demonstrated by men and women who strive to achieve despite overwhelming disparities and potential weaknesses. Abraham Lincoln is one such hero.

In the book The Inner World of Abraham Lincoln, author Michael Burlingame tried to explain the root cause of the depression of the former US president. Burlingame claimed the death of Lincoln’s mother was the cause and beginning of Lincoln’s lifelong battle with grief. The book also reveals that as a child, the future president endured the pain and grief of losing a brother, sister, uncle and newborn aunt. These deaths were deeply ingrained in the young Lincoln’s soul, leading to a series of profound sadness.

Abraham Lincoln’s War Of Emancipation Against Depression.Overcoming depression was, so to speak, Lincoln’s greatest feat as a human being. His long list of failures and setbacks is sure to overwhelm a lesser man.

In 1832, he was demoted and defeated in his first attempt to win the legislative seat. The following year, his business collapsed and he spent the next 17 years paying off debt.

In 1835, her fiancé died leaving him with a nervous breakdown.

In 1838, he ran for President of the Illinois State Legislature and was defeated.

In 1843 he again ran for the National Assembly but was not nominated. Four years later, he tried again to run for Congress, but was unsuccessful.

In 1854Lincoln tried to run for the Senate and again he failed. Two years later, he ran for vice president but failed to convince his teammates to nominate him.

And even when he was elected as the 16th President of the United States in 1860, he faced a country divided by a civil war that claimed the lives of more than 600,000 people.

With all the stress and anxiety he went through, it’s no wonder that Abraham Lincoln often looks desperate, tired, and weak in many of his official photographs. One can only imagine the sheer burden of making decisions that will affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children at a time when America is divided within itself.

How many sleepless nights has he spent almost non-stop pacing his room in deep thought? How do you feel when you just think about the thousands of lives lost in war?

As Commander-in-Chief of the Union Army, his decisions marked the difference between life and death for every infantryman. However, despite all the failures and sufferings of his life, Abraham Lincoln managed to overcome and lead a nation.

Even amid the crippling psychological upheaval and emotional upheaval, he won the war and together held the Alliance together.

In Lincoln’s time, the medical and scientific community still did not have a name for manic disorder. The psychological disorder is known simply as “melancholia”. At that time, there were no psychiatrists, antidepressant prescriptions, counseling, and group therapy as we know it today.

Indeed, in the nation’s darkest hour, Abraham Lincoln was able to weather the storms of his life and lead as president.

While never fully emancipated from his psychological problems such as the freedom won for black slaves, Lincoln bravely faced obstacles and hardships to become president. America’s most respected.

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