
A New Way to Battle Fatigue

About 20% of adults experience excessive fatigue that interferes with their ability to function well at work and at home. Some are able to bounce back after taking a short break from work or taking medication.

But there are a significant number of people whose stressful experiences last longer than usual. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) affects at least 800,000 people in the United States.

This crippling fatigue often lasts up to six months or even longer. Eight common symptoms of CFS include muscle pain, joint pain, memory problems or loss of concentration, insomnia, headache, sore throat, and unusual fatigue after exercise.

Many people cope with daily fatigue and stress by taking vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamins and minerals are needed to maintain many biological processes that take place inside our bodies.

Mental alertness, good digestion, and resistance to bacterial and viral infections depend on the normal functioning of internal organs, which in turn depend on nutrients from food and drink.

we consume.

Our bodies need carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to speed up chemical reactions and allow our internal organs to function. Like a machine, the nutrients in food act as fuel. These nutrients are the foundation of good health. However, due to our polluted environment and the toxins in the food we eat, illness and muscle fatigue can no longer be completely eliminated.

All humans eventually get sick and need medical treatment and supplements during the recovery period.

Today, it has become necessary to add vitamins, minerals and herbal preparations to the daily diet for optimal health and nutrition. Here are just some of the vitamins and minerals that must be consumed daily to maintain good health:

l Vitamin E – This vitamin is found in plain yogurt, rice milk, calcium-fortified soy, kale, skim milk, cheddar cheese, turnip greens, cheese and spinach. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps prevent cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. It also promotes good skin tone; improve sexual performance; and help reduce fatigue.

l Vitamin A – This vitamin helps prevent cancer, heart disease and eye problems. It also helps repair skin cells and promotes the formation of bones and teeth. It plays an important role in the functioning of the entire immune system. This vitamin is found in cheddar cheese, steamed or raw carrots, skim milk, cantaloupe, spinach, mangoes and peaches.

l Vitamin K – This vitamin is necessary for bone mineralization, cell growth and the prevention of hardening of the arteries. This substance can be found in broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, beef and sprouts.

l Vitamin D – This vitamin is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, therefore, they are necessary for the normal development of bones and teeth. Getting enough of this particular vitamin helps protect women against osteoporosis. Foods rich in vitamin D include salmon and fortified milk. Sunlight is also a good source of vitamin D.

l MAGNESIUM – This mineral is needed for protein and bone formation. Magnesium gives us energy and helps prevent muscle spasms. Dark green and leafy vegetables such as spinach, whole grains, legumes and black-eyed peas are rich sources of magnesium.

l CALCIUM – This mineral is important for the proper development of bones and teeth.

l POTASSIUM – This is a mineral that maintains fluid balance, transmits nerve impulses and releases energy. You can get it from potatoes, fish, yogurt, carrot juice, dried potatoes, citrus juices, and bananas.

There are other nutrients that should be included in our daily food intake. Vitamin C, iodine, fiber should be consumed daily.

Filling these nutritional gaps is easy if you follow good eating habits and eat the right foods. Indeed, supplementing with a multivitamin will help you boost your energy levels and overall health.

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