Natural Cure by Ayurveda
Natural Cure by Ayurveda.Ayurveda is perhaps the oldest health care system in the world and originated in the Indian subcontinent.
Ayurveda is based on scientific principles of diagnosis and treatment. It differs from conventional medicine in its fundamentals of investigating and allocating causes to processes rather than specific areas of physiology.
Ayurveda has been in the fashion industry for 5000 years. Our Vedas have been told again and again about the effectiveness of Ayurveda as a science of healthy living. Western world is now realizing the value of Ayurveda in the treatment of chronic diseases like arthritis, paralysis, stroke, neurological disorders, etc. Even WHO appreciates the Ayurvedic system.
It differs from conventional medicine in its basic principles of investigating and allocating causes to processes rather than specific areas of physiology. The growing awareness of herbal medicines in Western markets such as the US, UK, Canada and Japan and technological advancements in the biotechnology industry are the two main reasons why we have come up with a background like this.
The key to AyurvedicCure Inc’s success is the quality of the ingredients they use, the way the formula is based on ancient Ayurvedic traditions, the careful manufacturing process, and the ongoing research program for testing and evaluation. new and old products.
Here are some important herbs and their uses:
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), (Winter Cherry): Traditionally, Ashwagandha has been used in many ways: as a sedative, beneficial diuretic, rejuvenating tonic, anti-inflammatory, and as an “adaptogen” Many Western herbalists refer to this plant as “Ayurvedic ginseng” because of its reputation for boosting energy. , strength and endurance, and the ability to reduce stress.
It is especially beneficial in stress related disorders such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, general weakness, etc. It has also shown results. impressive results when used as an immune system booster
Amla (Emblica officinalis), (Indian Gooseberry): Amla contains the highest amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), phyllembine, phyllemblic acid, gallic acid, ellagic acid in natural form and cytokine-like substances were identified as zeatin, zriboside, Z nucleotide, Tanin 30%. It is one of the most potent rejuvenating agents in the Indian pharmacopoeia. It contains 30 times the amount of vitamin C found in oranges.
Antibacterial, killing, hypoglycemic, emphysema, hypotensive and astringent effects prevent infection, help heal ulcers, treat jaundice, indigestion, cough and control hypersecretion. Natural Cure by Ayurveda.Alma is a good cardiovascular tonic and its mild stimulant effect on the heart helps control blood pressure. The use of Indian gooseberries enhances the anti-diabetic activity of Karela. Phyllanthus Emblica is a very good hair tonic.
Brahmi (Bacopa Monniera): In addition to enhancing intellectual and cognitive functions, Brahmi induces a feeling of calm and peace in the user. It is unique in its ability to promote mental processes while reducing the effects of nervous tension and anxiety.
This makes Brahmi extremely applicable in high-stress work or study environments where clarity of thought is just as important as the ability to work under pressure. Many people have the intelligence to meet high standards, but lack the composure and confidence to achieve them. In addition, Brahmi helps to calm the feelings of restlessness and distraction caused by stress. Brahmi is ideal for students and workers who are facing this problem.
Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata): Today its primary use is as an anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain, myositis, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis . Experimental and clinical use of boswella shows that it has no adverse effects on blood pressure, heart rate, stomach irritation, and ulcers associated with many anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic drugs.
It is now an approved herb in India for use against osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, soft tissue rheumatism, low back pain, myositis, and fibromyalgia. In the United States, doctors highly recommend Boswella for its effectiveness. Dr. E. W. McDonagh, a doctor in Kansas City, has reported success with approximately 350 patients with various advanced skeletal and muscle conditions for which other treatments have failed.
Karela (Bitter Gourd), (Bitter Gourd), (Momordica charantia): Bitter gourd, also known as Karela, Momordica Charantia or Bitter Gourd is an herb that helps regulate blood sugar levels and maintain normal functioning. of bodily functions. It contains gurmarin, a polypeptide thought to be similar to bovine insulin, which in experimental studies has been shown to have a positive sugar-regulating effect by inhibiting neuronal response to taste stimuli. sweet.
Natural Cure by Ayurveda.The main components of Karela are lectin, charantin and momordicin. This fruit has long been used in India as a folk remedy for diabetes. The lectins in bitter gourd have shown significant anti-lipolysis and lipogenesis activities.
Shilajit (Asphaltum): This is Shilajit, one of the most powerful and unique rejuvenation people in Ayurveda. Ancient medical texts claim that Shilajit has many health benefits, being dubbed “the conqueror of the mountains and the destroyer of weakness”.
It is said that there are few diseases that can be cured that cannot be cured by Shilajit. Shilajit has been used historically for general physical enhancement, anti-aging, stabilizing blood sugar, increasing libido, wound healing, urinary tract rejuvenation, improving brain function. , bone healing, kidney rejuvenation, immune system booster, arthritis, hypertension, obesity and many more applications for many conditions.
Garlic (Lasuna), (Allium sativum): Lasuna’s platelet and lipid-lowering activities ensure good coronary artery function. Garlic is considered as one of the effective remedies to lower blood pressure. Pressure and tension are relieved as it has the ability to reduce the spasm of small arteries. It also slows the pulse and changes the heart rate, in addition to relieving symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath, and gas formation in the digestive tract.
It has an antiseptic effect and is an excellent remedy for infectious diseases and inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Population studies show that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and colon. This is partly due to garlic’s ability to reduce the formation of cancer-causing compounds.